Delivery and preparation time

Delivery and preparation time

Preparation time -
All the products are made once an order is placed. We make 2 to 4 units of each design in a day. If you have a very very large order please inform us beforehand. 
Despatch -
The products are packed immediately once they are ready and picked up on the next day.
Pick up
If a product is packed before 11am of any weekday, it gets picked the same day otherwise the next day. 
Saturday pick up requests are picked up on Monday. 
Sunday would be off for any logistics pickup.
Once the products are prepared are picked up they will reach you in 4 to 5 days anywhere in India. (Except any other road blocks and unavoidable situations)
Please WhatsApp us or email us incase of any confusion. We will reply asap.
Team Boddhi Naturals. 
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